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LOOK ALIVE is an ALLIANCE HC GUILD with Pserver background to be present on EU Pvp server 


An established core of players spanning through several servers, most with experience all throughout Naxxramas


We strive to become our servers best PvE guild


We will push to achieve several world-boss kills as a leaders of coalition


 We've been present and competitive on various vanilla and TBC servers

About us

LOOK ALIVE is an ALLIANCE HC GUILD with Pserver background to be present on EU Pvp server 


An established core of players spanning through several servers, most with experience all throughout Naxxramas


We strive to become our servers best PvE guild


We will push to achieve several world-boss kills as a leaders of coalition


we are present as the leading guild on mograine Pvp eu

What do we provide

An outstanding raiding environment lead by an experienced leadership with years of experience in both PvE/PvP


Announced speedruns for content on farm​​


 Welcoming and mature social environment which share a strong and friendly community in and outside of raids


ahead of the curve levels of theorycrafting and game knowledge

What are we looking for

Experienced and competitive players who are dedicated to the game and their character


Players who understand and accept that their performance, attendance and attitude directly reflects their gains


Person with a sufficiently mature attitude to thrive in a social and raiding environment


pre-bis geared lvl 60 character of desired class 

Raiding related information

Raiding days are: 

Wednesday and Sunday from 19:00 - 23:00 (GMT+1)


We are utilizing Loot Council as our loot distribution method​


We expect every raider to be prepared for raid with full Worldbuffs and all required consumables


<Look Alive> achieved 5th world / server first Ragnaros kill with <Blood Pressure> on Mograine EU PvP


<Look Alive> achieved server first / World 5th Onyxia kill on Mograine Pvp

<Look alive> is currently mograine 1st /13th world in mc speed 28:00 timestammp


realm first 60: Mograine PvP


rank 14 - <Look Alive> Mishrak 

Priest - <Look Alive> Caretta (Server 2nd overall)

Paladin - <Look Alive> Kia (Server 3nd overall)

Warrior - <Look Alive> Cab (Server 4th overall)

Hunter - <Look Alive> Vorche (Server 5th overall)

Druid- <Look Alive> Vesper (server 10th overall)


This site is made by Vesper for Look Alive

Using the Wix thingy

i guess copyright 2019

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